Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Basically I got a fertility test done last week (a friend asked if I would be open to helping her conceive). And I am 100% sterile.

I found out yesterday.

REALLY have NO idea how I feel about it.

Doing blood work tomorrow (genetic).

Will have to do another sperm sample & urine sample. To see if the sperm is being pushed into the bladder. (blockage)

An ultrasound of the old prostrate next week. I get to take a fleet enema, I KNOW you are all jealous! (who knows?)

This is a life changing thing for me...So am kind of reeling.

I may post soon.

I may end up ranting and raving about how I feel...All of this.

I will get back to the fucking, of course, cause I'm a slut.

Just may be a little while.

Wish me luck.


rose said...

j honey......good luck! i understand the totally stunned feeling after getting upseting medical news. email, call, im if you feel like an ear to bend.


Viviane said...

God, that is tough news to receive. I'm sorry to read that. You're in my thoughts.

Jefferson said...

I'm sorry to read your news, my friend.